Milwaukee WI, US 53211
Decide what you will wear to the photoshoot. Consider business casual which is a dress code that is more lenient. You may wear attire like dress pants, khakis, skirts, blouses, button-up shirts, blazers or cardigans
You can also consider dressing as a business professional (preferred). Business professional attire may include clothes like suits, dress shirts, ties, blouses, dress pans and closed toe shows.
Also consider bringing an additional color shirt or suit along with the photoshoot.
Getting a good amount of sleep prior to a photoshoot is essential. This will help you to maintain focus during the shoot, remain present and look lively!
Getting a good amount of sleep can help reduce any dark eyes around your eyes and can help clear up skin as well.
Staying hydrated is important when taking photos. Consider starting to drink water a few days ahead of the photoshoot to help you out. Water can help cleanse your skin and bring in more moisture.
Getting a haircut and shaving can improve a headshot quite a bit. Consider getting a haircut a week before your photoshoot. Also consider shaving or doing a quite trim to look fresh.
Also consider looking at your fingernails and cleaning/ manicuring them.
Consider using a skin routine before the photoshoot. Depending on how long your photoshoot is, you can start today.
Although the photographer or director will have a pose that might be helpful for you, you too can do some quick practices. Also checkout what kind of photographs you need in what is the difference between a headshot vs a portrait. Corporate Headshot Posing Tips
Headshots essentially share the upper portion of your body shoulders and up. Portraits may be lower,starting from your waist or a photograph of your full body.
Consider sitting up straight and rolling your arms back a few times. Also wiggle any stiffness you have in your arms.
Personally I tell anyone that I am directing to look directly at the camera and smile. I would highly recommend this as well for Corporate headshots. Practice looking in one direction.
If you think of yourself on a clock and the photographer at 12pm, consider moving one foot directly at 12pm and the second foot directly at 9pm. Then move your heads toward the camera.
Both your feet should be pointed toward the camera (12pm). Cross your arms.
Expressions are also an essential part of a corporate photoshoot. Consider doing a serious expression, a smiling friendly expression and a silly expression.
The most common expression is the smiling expression that involves a full smile showing your teeth. You can also do this with a grin as well.
Props such as books, pens and brief cases can help give character to a Portrait shoot. However during corporate headshots this is less essential.