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What is fashion photography? How can you use fashion photos to help your brand? Whether you are a model, an apparel brand, fashion designer, merchandiser you will need photos for your brand. Why not hire a fashion photographer to help you do it?
Wait, wait wait, wait is a fashion photographer? Through the ages fashion and photography have both changed. The way we view fashion today is much different than a few hundred years ago.
Fashion photography started back when the start of printing and photography conjoined. Through documentary and soon [catalogs] helped spread fashion photography. Fashion photos helped merchandisers, retailers and other designers become shops, stay on trends and inspire fashion.
Today fashion photographers work with retailers and merchandisers to help display, advertise, and sell different kinds of fashionable material. The types of fashion that fashion photographers might help with include Footwear, Jewelry, Mass Market, Ready to wear (pret-a-porter), Haute Couture and e-commerce/apparel. We will talk about finding the right photographer for you later in this article.
The reason of importance for photography may be different between merchandising, retailers and models. Fashion Models might have a use of fashion photography to enhance their portfolios and obtain more gigs in the fashion industry.
Fashion models help display garments of fashion in different ways. Fashion models will often be seen on the runway with garments. Additionally Fashion models also work in fashion studios to display the designers work.
Fashion models can enhance their portfolios by adding in unique fashion studio photography. The benefit of getting photos from a studio in fashion is that it looks professional. Some photographers intended on sending these to magazines for submission. Fashion models can be paid to get their photos taken for a designer as well.
Fashion models also have the opportunity to walk on the runway and reveal a designer's collection of clothing.
Fashion modeling photography can be a great way to get your ideal customers' attention. This can be through general social media posts in a fashion studio or advertising to get in front of your customers.
Fashion photography can also be great for submitting to magazines.
What would be the difference between getting fashion photos outdoors or fashion photos at the studio?
Fashion photos outdoors can be great no matter the weather. The collection can help you decide when to take photos such as the summer or the winter. Fashion photos outdoors need as much time and effort as working in a studio. Outdoors you will be constrained to the weather in a particular location and may need to travel a bit more to get to a destination for photos. You will also need to bring along the crew, photography, stylist, hair and makeup outdoors.
You will not be able to control the lighting outdoors either. Clouds will entertain and exit as the weather permits.
Fashion Photo Studio pros include controlling aspects of lighting, background, having one place the team can come to take photos. Lighting in a studio can be adjustable with a professional photographer or creative director. The background can also be changed with different backdrops, you can also change the environment as well. Teams can also come in and not travel to locations that may be more difficult to get to.
Fashion Photo Studio cons include the price of renting out a studio, professionals needed and props. When you go into a photo studio it may cost a bit more. Photo studios sometimes have hourly or daily rates that you will have to shoot at. Photo Studios may also need professionals to use lighting equipment and change backdrops.
Fashion photographers help designers, costume artists, and take photos specifically of garments. The garments may include dresses, suits, haute couture and the like.