One of the advanced features of any photo editing software is the ability to use layers. Saving your files as the PSD will allow you to save the changes to layers.
Depending on how complex the image project is you may have hundreds of layers. However even starting with a few layers can be a great way to start creating professional looking photos.
The types of layers that you will be using will be explained throughout this article. Some of the layers may be Adjustment layers, Hue/saturations, custom mattes, brush settings.
The other benefit of using the Photoshop document PSD file is nondestructive images. This contrasts with images that are directly overwritten. Think about writing on an original document with red highlighter verses copying the original document and using a red highlighter on it. The same thing happens when you create a new PSD file.
First you get a copy of the new file. Second, you can go back and edit the previous layers of this new PSD document. Getting a new file is the non destructive part. If you did not do this you would save the image and likely not be able to recover the original image without more photoshop.
Depending on a more advanced setting you are also able to constrain or go further into nondestructive editing. These may include the Delete Pixels in the Crop feature, Smart Objects in the layers panel, Smart filters using objects and layer masks.
You may want to keep a file non destructive as you are in the idea stage and aligning your photoshop document. You may want to create destructive documents to finalize a certain feature to use other blending effects or reduce file size. If you keep your document entirely non destructive you will often get a large file size. Reducing your file size can be used professionally to make editing speeds and retrieval speeds faster.
The Crop Feature can be used further as a destructive and nondestructive nature. Cropping and selecting Deleting outside pixels removes any of the image outside of the crop ratio. This will remove any excess data out of the document view. This can occur on a rasterized image.
Deselecting the delete outside pixels leaves the image outside of the crop and document ratio. This will keep any excess data and allow you to move the entire image around. This will also create larger file sizes.
The best practice for the cropping tool is to remember if the crop is selected or not selected. Generally deselecting the delete outside image may be the best for completely non destructive images and selecting for reducing file size.
Smart Objects are something that are very important for editing images in photoshop like a pro. Smart objects can be created in the layers menu. They substitute and enhance a rasterized layer. There are many different uses of the smart object and diving deeper into learning about them is beneficial.
Smart Filters are another advanced feature of photoshop documents. You have the ability to save these files in a Photoshop document. This allows you to go back and change the parameters of a smart filter later after closing the document or working on a project.
Photoshop documents and learning the flexibility with using them can be the next step in editing images in photoshop like a pro
Adjustment layers allow the use of changing images while also adding future adjustment layers to your document. It is possible to create amazing images without adjustment layers however you will not be able to go back and edit the adjustments.
There are several adjustment layers that can make your images stand out.
Solid color, Gradient and pattern are adjustment layers that overlay the entirety of an image. They are useful when using blending modes as well for editing images.
Brightness/Contrast , Levels, Curves and Exposure all are part of the luminosity of the images.
Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, Color Balance, Black & White, Photo Filter, Channel Mixer, Color Lookup are also adjustments that change the color
Invert, Posterize, Threshold, Gradient Map and Selective map are here for fun.
Adding and adjusting these layers on top of your main image will manipulate the look of the image. Learning what each of these do can be helpful tools to adjust your photos.
The use of these tools are able to get a desired look. They are tools because most of the intuitive look will have to be made through a bit of creativity. Many of them do not have auto settings for adjusting the photo, however they do have algorithms to help you adjust certain colors.
Let's give a few examples.
If you want to edit the image so it is brighter you would want to look at the second section of the adjustment layer options.You can use something like the exposure to bring up the entire brightness of the photograph. Changing the exposure from [0] to [1] will increase the exposure by 1.
The offset option changes the dark tones of the image. Moving it to the right will lighten the shadowed areas of the image. Moving it to the left will darken the areas of the image.
The game option changes the midtones of the image. Moving it to the right will dark the midrange tones. Moving it to the left will lighten the midrange tones of the image.Let's say you want to add a gradient map and create a duotone effectThe duotone effect was more popular back in the mid 2010s however can still be a fun and exciting effect. You can create an effect like this using the gradient map adjustment.
Dither creates random noise that reduces banding. It is a great way to create something less digital looking and make the image more cohesive.
Reverse changes the direction of the unique gradient map.
Above the dither and reverse it the actual gradient map option. Often the default is the Black and white linear gradient. However to really get the full use of the gradient map using slightly different hues or entirely new colors will create colorful duotones.
The method in the gradient map is the mathematical logic that determines how the gradient is generated. Perceptual is the best for looking at a screen, however render times may be longer. Linear uses the least amount of computational power. Classic was created before perceptual and uses a moderate computational power.
Adding the gradient map above the image can create an awesome effect and can help you edit photos even better.
Masking is the best and most useful tool for creating images and editing them in photoshop.
What is masking and how can you use it ?
Masking is a tool located in the layers menu in photoshop. With the mask tool you can hide or show certain parts of an image from being seen.
There are a couple different ways to mask with photoshop. Some common ones are the marquee tool, the rectangle marquee tool, the selection tool, the pen tool and the brush tool. You can find the masking tool on the bottom of the layers window.
Selecting a layer you can go down to the bottom next to the adjustment layer and to the mask icon. Once you click this you will be able to have a secondary image icon on the right side of your layer thumbnail. By default it should be a white layer. This white layer can be clicked on. The white means visible, the black means hidden. The way this layer works is that it is completely monochromatic, white, black and everything in between.
Using the brush tool and setting the brush to black, you can draw over any area, this will erase and reveal the layer below it.
Layer masks can be complex and used on filter layers, smart objects, images, shapes and more.
One common editing tool is the crop tool. Generally you want your horizon to be straight. You can do this by using the crop tool and using the ruler to straighten out the horizon.
.This right away can give the image a professional pro look. Hopefully these tips are a great start on your journey through photoshop