How To Get The Backgrounds Of Your Photos Just Right

How To Get The Backgrounds Of Your Photos Just Right

November 08, 2023 11:48 AM by Isaias J |

When you’re looking at how to improve your photos and general photography skills, you’ll probably think of the composition of the main image - that’s the most important part, after all. Or is it? It’s definitely vital, but if the background of your photo isn’t right, it’s going to really stand out, and that could mean the entire photo is ruined, or at least not as great as it could be. That’s why it’s so important to get the backgrounds of your photos just right as well as the foregrounds, and if you read on, you’ll find some tips on how to do it.

How To Get the Background Of Your Photos Just Right

Photo by: Kaique Rocha

Choose The Right Location

Perhaps the most obvious yet also most important part of getting your background just right in your photos is to choose the right location to take those photos in the first place. Don’t just stand your subject in front of the first thing you see, but instead think about the mood of the photo, the style, and even why you’re taking it in the first place. Assuming it’s a posed shot and not a candid one, you can choose exactly the location you want and make sure it matches what you’re looking for and doesn’t stand out for the wrong reasons.

Some things to think about when you’re picking the right location can include not just the background but also where the sun is and who else might be around - you don’t want accidental photobombs! And if you’re taking a photo in front of a building, make sure that building looks how you want it to; if you need it to be nice and neat, pick one with Colorbond roofing, but if you need one that looks a bit more dishevelled, opt for one that’s more overgrown and unloved - it makes a difference.

Look For Uncluttered Backgrounds

One issue with the background of a photo that can ruin the shot, even if the actual background is mostly what you’re looking for, is clutter. The more ‘stuff’ in the background, the less attention people will pay to the foreground, and that’s not why you’re taking the photo.

If you want viewers to be less distracted, make sure the background is as clean and clear as possible. It might even be worth learning how to ensure the background is less in focus than the foreground, and that can be a great way to ‘hide’ clutter if you can’t clear it away yourself.

Experiment With Lighting

One thing that all photographers need to get right is the lighting in their shots, and if you want to make sure the background looks good, that’s even more important. The thing is, you’re not necessarily going to know what kind of lighting you’ll need to use until you arrive at your location - it’s going to depend on the place itself, as well as the weather, the time of day, and the mood you want to achieve in your photos. It’s best to leave yourself some extra time so you can get the lighting right because if you can do that, the rest of the image will usually fall into place a lot more easily.

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