If you're new to modeling, you might encounter the term "digitals." This article addresses common questions for beginners looking to submit to agencies or update their digitals.
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Digitals are unretouched images used at casting calls to showcase your profile, side profile, posing ability, and more. Models often update their digitals yearly or more frequently, with the initial set being crucial. Refreshed digitals can convey professionalism, especially when submitting to specific types of agencies.
Digitals should be updated regularly, and the first set holds particular importance. Consider updating digitals for changes like new tattoos or improvements to the initial set. Refreshed digitals can contribute to a professional appearance when submitting to agencies.
Choosing the right outfit for digital photos is crucial. Avoid flashy or colorful clothing; opt for solid colors like white or black. The focus of digitals is to showcase your physique, posture, and facial structure for casting directors and scouts. Avoid flashy jewelry or watches.
Keep hair and makeup simple and clean for digitals. Maintain clean and groomed hair, embracing your natural texture. Avoid one-off hairstyles unless it's for rebranding. Opt for a natural look in makeup, emphasizing good sleep and hydration for fresh-looking skin.
Other Shots may include Swimwear Shots, Lifestyle Shots, Expression shots,
Choose controlled lighting for digitals, preferably during late afternoon or in a studio with natural light. Be mindful of the background, opting for deep black or light white backgrounds to ensure separation. Avoid distracting elements and consider paper backgrounds or walls for variation.
Taking digitals yourself may be challenging, but possible with careful setup. Hiring a photographer can save time and ensure professional results. Look for photographers familiar with digitals, and most sets include headshots, waist-up shots, ⅓ shots, and full-body shots. (See the difference between a Headshot and Portrait)
Digitals are crucial for modeling as they allow agencies and casting directors to evaluate your "look." A good set of digitals presents your features and personality authentically.
Understanding the significance of digitals is crucial for aspiring models. These unedited snapshots play a vital role in casting calls, allowing agencies and directors to evaluate your raw talent, physique, and versatility. Whether updating annually or more frequently, consider wardrobe, hair, makeup, and location choices carefully. While taking digitals yourself is possible, hiring a professional photographer can streamline the process and ensure high-quality results.